Foundational Purpose
Sacred Well Congregation International was founded in 1994 as a Universalist, independent, non-evangelical Wiccan Church, organized for the purpose of conducting and promoting religious study, worship and ordination of clergy in Wicca while also embracing early on other alternative Spiritual Paths. Since then, while retaining our original focus, our membership and services have grown more inclusive to provide open, public venues, fellowship and training for the practice of Natured Centered religions. We promote community benevolence efforts, spiritual counseling, and religious educational programs, and provide extensive spiritual and administrative support to service members, their families and military communities. SWCI now sponsors hospital Chaplains, military Distinctive Religious Groups, and is a recognized Ecclesiastical Endorsing Organization with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Inc. (BCCI). SWCI provides denominational sponsorship to those groups and faith group leaders whose congregants and officials require it to sponsor their practice. Finally, in conjunction with multiple educational institutions, and as a member of BCCI, SWCI provides an intern program resulting in ordination of professional clergy for a myriad of Nature Centered Spiritualities.

To be a safe, welcoming, inclusive fellowship of Nature Based clergy and practitioners and a forum of higher learning supporting all spiritualists who come seeking.

Sponsor, endorse and provide infrastructure for Nature-Centered military and community groups; provide support, education and assistance to the served community and beyond; provide information and resources for chaplains, military and community leaders and Nature Based practitioners.

Ethics and Equality
Sacred Well Congregation International (SWCI) strives to be as inclusive as possible in our organizational makeup, philosophy and conduct of affairs. SWCI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, mental or physical disability, political belief or affiliation, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or any other class of individuals protected from discrimination under state or federal law in any aspect of the access to, admission, or treatment of congregants in its programs and activities, or in employment and volunteer assignments and application for employment or other positions of membership or leadership. Furthermore, SWCI organizational policy includes prohibitions of harassment of students, members and employees/volunteers, i.e. racial harassment, sexual harassment, and retaliation for filing complaints of discrimination.
Bringing formal and informal models of experiential, academic, and intuitive learning resources to practicing nature-centered spiritual communities.
Deaconry Training Program
The Deaconry Training Program includes the Roedi Course in its entirety, plus modules on History, Development and Philosophy…
Clergy Training Programs
For potential future Community Ministers & Professional Chaplains SWC works directly with a number of higher education institutions…
Greencraft Traditional Craft Wicca
Greencraft also offers traditional Wiccan Coven training. The first two levels of training – The Greencraft Roedi and the Greencraft…
We understand that that membership is not one-size-fits-all. Choose the level of membership that works best for you.
General Membership
General membership is free and unbinding and entitles the member to participate in mailing and discussion groups and to receive…
Sponsoring Membership
This level includes all of the above plus discounts for training courses and events. Cost for this membership: $100.00 per…
Supporting Membership
Supporting members have all the privileges of General, plus a Membership Certificate, discounts on events and periodic…
Endowed Life Membership
Endowed Life Members are entitled to all of the above plus are tuition-exempt from all SWC training courses and also receive…
Family Membership
This level has the same privileges of the Supporting member and covers two adults and all the children in one household…
Organizational Membership
Non-Profit and Commercial Organization Sponsoring Memberships recognize and promote the organization…
Helpful Resources
Helpful research and resources from the Sacred Well Archives
These pages are designed to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and material. Other categories may be added…
Ritual Resources
These pages are designed to provide resources for ritual design. If you have material that you would like to share…
Reviews & Articles
These pages contain book reviews and media articles. If you have material that you would like to share, or suggestions…
SWC Board of Deacons
Elen síla lumenn’ omentielvo: A star shines on the hour of our meeting

Executive Director, Dir. of Military Affairs
Shane is a healer, a teacher, a chaplain, and a ritual leader that has been actively walking his path of Nature-Centered Spirituality for over twenty years. His path has led him…

Vice Executive Director
Willow Oringderff was born and raised in a small town in Belgium. In March 2003 Willow signed up for coven training. About a year later she first heard about SWC and she became…

Executive Director Emeritus
Ron Schaefer (Astralaya) was born in Sinton, Texas. He grew up in Germany and later in all points in Texas, finally landing (until college) in Victoria, Texas. It was there he met…

Executive Director Emeritus
Dr. Oringderff is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University, and holds an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Bowie State University (Maryland) and a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from…

Congregational Secretary
Illara has a Bachelors of Science from Rochester Institute of Technology, a Doctor of Medicine from University of Maryland, and completed her residency in Family Medicine in…

Director of IT
Dea is Wife, Mother, Priestess, and Witch. She is also mistress of all things web-related. Dea was born and raised in a small Southeaster Illinois town. In 2000, she married her high school…

Director of Public Affairs
Theodora Pendragon is an ordained Cleric and Priestess through Sacred Well Congregation and serves on the Board of Deacons as Director of Public Affairs. The military has been her…

Helene Dee
Director of Community Ministry
Helene began her journey into Paganism while studying physics in the early 1990s and has always loved a mix of science and spirituality. She was an active-duty Air Force…

Director of Prison Ministry
Merry Meet! My name is Jennifer Chasse. My craft name is Coyote. I have lived in the Mojave Desert almost all of my life and my husband gave me that name. The desert is my…

Director of Training and Education
TRon Padrón (he/him/his) is a gay Cuban-American hedge priest from the swamps of Florida now living in the mid-Atlantic with his husband and their small cryptid dog. He has…

Congregational Chaplain
After a job lay-off and a series of family deaths, Rev. Wes Isley felt a nudge to pursue full-time spiritual service after a career in magazine publishing. He received his MDiv from…

Greencraft VZW Liaison
Arghuicha was born in Brugge in 1944. He studied Latin and Greek in Brugge and later math and theoretic physics at the John Orr Technical High school in Johannesburg, South Africa…

Congregational Archivist
The position of Director of Training and Education is currently vacant…

Director of Outreach Ministry
The position of Director of Outreach Ministry is currently vacant…
Contact Us
Contact SWC
Sacred Well Congregation is a 501(c)3 organization that provides service, support, and spiritual care, education, and fellowship to serving military personnel, veterans, family members, and civilians alike. We are a non-profit organization. Please consider contributing to our organization.
Campaign #10657
Donate to
The Sacred Well Congregation
Please use our Campaign #10657 to make your contribution.